
Getting to Know ... Kevin Durant

Much of what we hear about Kevin Durant has to do with his on-court exploits.

His spot-on shooting. His versatility. His ability to soar through the air.

Sure, we’ve heard how busy a summer Durant had, from going back to college to trips to Hong Kong, the Bahamas and the ESPY Awards.

We know he likes to play video games, but what kind? As a well-known athlete himself, who was his favorite celebrity run-in?

We got some of those answers and more in this installment of “Getting To Know … ”So we know you like to bowl and play video games. Which are you better at? “Video games. I can’t bowl that well, but video games I’m probably better at.”Favorite game of all time? “Madden.”Favorite team you like to play with? “The Ravens. Defense – I score all my points off defense.”What’s the toughest game you’ve played? “Call of Duty. I played that for a couple of days and after a couple of days it was too tough to beat so I just stopped.”Who was your coolest celebrity run-in outside of sports? “Keri Hilson. I was really impressed with how well she is with her fans and how she spoke to everybody. I like classy people like that and people that really don’t get the big head from what they’ve accomplished. She’s really grounded and I liked that.”If you could play another sport, what would it be? “Wow. I find myself being a quarterback once I watch college football or the NFL. It’s a lot tougher than what it looks like on TV, so I’ll say football.”Do you think your height would be an advantage? “Oh, I think it would hurt me a little. If I stand straight up one of those guys would just blindside tackle me. That would hurt a little bit”Some of us know that you like to train on Hunt’s Hill back home. For those who don’t know, how would you describe it? “It’s a steep hill that goes straight up. I use it for conditioning and to strengthen my legs a little bit. It’s called Hunt’s Hill. It’s back at home and I’ve been doing it ever since I was 10 years old.”