
Christon Fills Buckets at Reading Timeout

Christon Fills Buckets at Reading Timeout

by Jimmy Do | okcthunder.comPhotography by Brooke Blackwood | OKC ThunderReading Timeout is presented by American Fidelity

By the end of the school day for 55 third-grade students at Coronado Heights Elementary, Thunder guard Semaj Christon made sure he delivered three things: Bags full of Thunder goodies, fist bumps and a powerful reminder on kindness.

Christon spent Wednesday afternoon reading Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer’s “How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids” inside the school’s library as all eyes were riveted on him. The students promptly learned about the concept of an invisible bucket that carried the good thoughts and feelings through a day’s interactions of a boy named Felix.

By means of empathy, the metaphorical bucket served as an emotional barometer based on how the story’s young protagonist treated others and how others treated him. Simply, leakage occurred through negative words and actions while the bucket refilled with good deeds, encouragement and compliments.

As the creative take on the Golden Rule unfolded, Christon held the gaze of the little faces before him with flashes of his friendly smile and playful nods toward the jubilant kids. His hope was to ensure the students had fun during the reading while delivering life lessons along the way.

“I like seeing the smiles on their faces and the energy they have,” said Christon. “It’s very important to give them motivation to read and follow their dreams.”

For Karen Glover, third-grade teacher at Coronado Heights Elementary, the surprise visit was another way to benefit the students’ development inside and outside of the classroom.

“It’s going to help the children with their goals, not just with school, but with everything.”

And staying true to the message of showing care and respect for one another, Christon was able to fill every bucket creating memories for the kids as they go home for the day.

A Reading Timeout debut. Christon: "It was a great experience. I had fun coming in to read."

"Reading is fun and books are cool too." Christon and the students take a reading pledge.

Filling buckets. Thunder goodies and fist bumps all around from Christon.

Watch: Christon Delivers Smiles at Reading Timeout