2013 Stay Active Program

2013 Stay Active Program

By Caroline Sikes
February 20, 2013

This spring, the Bobcats and Cats Care foundation partnered with BlueCross BlueShield for their annual Stay Active program. The organizations have teamed up to encourage children to engage in healthy activities leading to healthy lifestyle choices in the future.

Cats Care, the Charlotte Bobcats community outreach initiative, has three main focuses, including the fight for education, ending hunger and achieving wellness. The Stay Active program promotes these values by encouraging wellness while educating children to make smart lifestyle decisions.

The program launched on January 15 and ran for six weeks, with the last clinic held on February 19. Bobcats players, Lady Cats, Rufus and other staff members participated throughout the course of the program by attending clinics and promoting healthy routines.

The Stay Active clinics took place twice a week at four different Boys and Girls Club locations throughout the Greater Charlotte area and focused on four major areas: individual exercising and conditioning, coordination, nutrition and teamwork. The success of this program has been overwhelming with over 1,000 children participating throughout its duration.