
Women Changing the Game: Roxanna Cayasso

Junior Graphic Designer

What has been your experience as a woman working in professional sports?

I would’ve never imagined working in sports, let alone for the Miami HEAT, so it’s been such a joy thus far. Thankfully, I have had the leadership of wonderful women and men to really guide me and make me feel like I am right where I am supposed to be. It can be challenging at times, but what is the point of a challenge if not to guarantee growth? When I think of it like that, I’m grateful for each experience.

Roxy hanging out with Bernie during Thanksgiving celebration

In your opinion, what role do women play in our much talked about “HEAT Culture?”

There is no doubt that the women of the organization embody HEAT Culture. It’s admirable to be around these boss ladies who are serious about their craft. Everyone means what they say, and they say what they mean. I’m not just saying this because I work there, but there isn’t one woman who isn’t performing at the top of their game.

A moment in time where you thought, “Wow, I have a cool job.”

Sheesh. It would have to be Media Day, hands down. I was told by everyone around me that Media Day is such a fun experience because of your interaction with the players, but really, it was just fun to witness the “behind-the-scenes” of capturing content for the start of the season. I’m also shameful to admit that I was fangirling a bit...just a bit.

Roxy during Media Day

What’s something you’ve done to take care of your mental health this year?

My role mainly consists of working on the computer 24/7, so I make sure that I escape the digital world every once in a while. You can find me working out, dancing, roller-skating, enjoying a good time with friends/family, and possibly hanging out with my cats to get my senses right.

What unique aspects of your role get you excited?

Working within the creative department is a complete dream. I’m surrounded by so many creative individuals who inspire me to be a better designer every day. Come to think of it, I don’t think there is one single thing that I’m not excited about. We work on projects ranging from Court Culture merch, gameday graphics, our beloved jerseys, and a whole lot more (which would be too long to list). Being able to add my touch as a designer to the stuff I work on is so rewarding, especially when you see it come to life in the physical/digital world. I’m always telling my friends and family, “Hey! I made that thing!”

Model showing off Roxy's design on a long-sleeve shirt
Showcase of Roxy's designs for a basketball game

Have you had any strong female leaders that have "changed the game" for you?

I have to give honorable mentions to Sasha Beck (former Sr. Designer) and Jennifer Alvarez (VP of Creative and Digital Marketing). In my time with the HEAT, they have pushed me to be the best possible version of myself, whether they know it or not. Also in this list of strong female leaders are my mom and sister. When I first started working here, I felt heavy imposter syndrome every day, and I was constantly reassured that I was meant to be here. I’m so thankful for their encouragement and their strong belief in me.

How important is it in your role to develop and empower the next generation of women leaders? What steps will you take to make this happen?

It’s super important! As an Afro-Latina designer in a world that is usually male-dominated, it can be very intimidating when you’re entering spaces where you’re the minority. That being said, I keep a personal reminder that I should never make myself feel small and that I, too, deserve a seat at the table. I hope that I set the example in letting other female designers know that they belong in these spaces and their voices also deserve to be heard. Leading by example and providing mentorship is my way of letting women know there is a place for them in the world of graphic design.

Is there a quote that resonates with you in your everyday life?

“Do or do not. There is no try” – Yoda
As silly as it may seem, seeing that it’s a quote from a fictional character, it’s very true. You’re either going to do the thing (whatever it is) or you’re not. The choice is completely up to you.

One piece of advice you’d offer to a woman looking to break into the sports/entertainment world.

Shoot your shot. Don’t be afraid to go for that opportunity. Be confident in yourself and know that what is for you is for you. The moment you believe you can’t do it, you’ve already lost. So, you have to stay strong and push forward.
