
Miami HEAT Black History Month Observance: School-to-Work Program

To celebrate Black History Month, students and mentors of the Miami HEAT School-to-Work program participated in a field trip to the History Miami Museum for a guided tour of the showcased exhibit Black Citizenship in the Age of Jim Crow. The group first convened at Miami-Dade Arena for introductions, breakfast, and a review of the day ahead.

Organized by the New York Historical Society, Black Citizenship in the Age of Jim Crow explores the struggle for full citizenship and racial equality. The museum also had a supplemental area showcasing Stories of Resistance from Black Miami, an oral history projected co-created by the museum and individuals involved in past and contemporary movements. This exhibit explored Black Miami’s long and ongoing struggle, resistance and resilience in response to racial injustice.

After viewing the exhibits, the students and their mentors enjoyed lunch catered by the local, Black-owned restaurant, La Traila BBQ.