
Voters Win: Dubs Encourage Civic Engagement Throughout Minicamp

The Warriors recently wrapped up their fall minicamp, during which time the team spent two weeks running daily drills and scrimmages. But besides taking to the court to be basketball-ready once again, they used this time and their platform to ask one thing of Dub Nation: vote in the 2020 General Election.

It was a call-to-action shared many times during minicamp via The Dubble Cam, where the squad could send messages to the fans. The Warriors wore their sentiment on their sleeves, or in the case of guard Mychal Mulder their tees and masks as well.

“Me being from Canada, I can’t vote in this election,” said Mulder after a camp practice one day, “but I think it’s extremely important for everybody who can to get out in this coming election.”

“Everybody’s voice is important,” he continued. “Some people feel like they’re not heard and we got to prove that’s not true. I feel like it’s important and people have fought for hundreds of years to give us an opportunity to vote, and it’s important everybody gets out and does so… Even though it’s not my own, I understand how important it is.”

The black tees with gold lettering like Mulder wore included messages such as “Good Trouble” and “Voters Win.” These shirts are currently available at the Warriors Shop flagship store at Thrive City, located just outside of Chase Center.

Another tee which Dub Nation may have seen while watching the NBA Finals was sported by Eric Paschall in a commercial. His message was short and simple: “Shut Up and Vote.”

As Paschall hinted, talking about change is not enough. Change happens through action, and Dub Nation can take action by voting.

At 21 years old, Jordan Poole will be voting in his first presidential election this year and he echoed similar sentiments to those of his teammates.

“This will be my first time being able to vote (in a General Election),” said the guard after minicamp one day. “Our generation is the upcoming generation and our goals matter just as much as those who voted before us… just being able to vote is the way that your voice can be heard.”

“We demand justice… it’s definitely unfair how we’re being treated,” Poole said as he discussed current affairs in the country. “We need to be heard and I know we won’t stop until something changes. Our ancestors have been fighting, some fought their entire lives to at least get us to the point where we are now. It’d be a slap in the face if we were to stop now… we won’t stop until our voices are heard.”

And as center Kevon Looney summed it up: “Gotta try to persevere, gotta try to stay hopeful, try to encourage people to do the right thing, try to get them to protest peacefully, get them to go out there and vote.”

The Warriors encourage fans to prepare early for the 2020 General Election in the following ways: