
Watch exclusive interviews from championship Bulls players and more on "Inside The Dance"

What: Inside the Dance, an exclusive one-hour show with exclusive interviews from players and personalities from the championship Bulls teams, diving into memories of the championship years and reactions to ESPN's hit documentary.
When: Sunday, May 17 at 3:00 pm CT.
Where: Chicago Bulls Facebook and YouTube pages, Bulls.com, Chicago Bulls app.
Host: Jason Benetti.


Coby White & Roy Williams talk about their reactions to The Last Dance and Williams shares stories of Michael Jordan.
Stacey King, John Paxson & Horace Grant relive the first three championships and discuss which era of 90s Bulls would win if they played.
Toni Kukoc, Randy Brown & Bill Wennington walk down memory lane of the final three championships and the end of the dynasty.
Sam Smith talks about The Jordan Rules and addresses a famously misrepresented Michael Jordan quote.
Arturas Karnisovas & Marc Eversley talk about the impact the documentary has had on them and the future of the organization.

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