
We Are With You by Illustrator Brett Ferrin

Brett Ferrin knows a thing or two about rooting for his favorite team from afar. The Salt Lake graphic designer spent part of his childhood in South Korea but still found the time to root for the Utah Jazz.

“I vividly remember watching and cheering them on,” Ferrin said. “Despite the distance, we’ve always been Jazz fans.”

So when Ferrin had a chance to create an illustration for his team for our We Are With You campaign, he jumped at the opportunity.

“We desperately need connection right now,” Ferrin said. “I’m so proud to be part of a project that is celebrating unity despite the troubles we’re all facing. We’re all stronger together.”

Ferrin has missed attending games in person, but he is thrilled his squad is back in the playoffs.

“I'm so excited it's back! I was lucky enough to be at a Jazz game in February and I'm stoked to have it on my TV again,” he said.