Guide: App Graphics

File Naming

Notes: Graphic file names should be unique and named in a way that makes them easy to find. Graphic dimensions should always be included in the file name. Please see recommended file name guide below.


Standard Promo Card

  • 1160x700
  • 150kb or less

Notes: This the most commonly type of promo card that we use. They can stand alone in the News feed like the CoinZoom Card below, or it can be placed into a carousel like the Black Experience Month Card.


Full Page Takeover

  • 750x1334
  • 150kb or less

Notes: This card functions as a popup when users open the app. It will cover the whole screen and will require the user to either dismiss the pop up or clickthrough to the given link.


Inline Ad

  • 640x100
  • 150kb or less

Notes: This graphic appears in the feed with articles accessed through the app. They are cycled through, so they will not appear in every article. We also use this same graphic for static sponsor placement on auxiliary pages. Note: These article ads can be passed on from the web: If there is already one there, it will be translated into the app as well.


Sponsor Bar

  • 1280x96
  • 150kb or less

Notes: This graphic is a fixed sliver that will stay connected to the bottom of the page, right on top of the navigation bar. This must be assigned to a specific page on the app. Note: the News, Team, and Schedule pages cannot be separated as they are technically the same page in the way they were built.


Article Parallax Ads

  • 750x1334
  • 150kb or less

Notes: This graphic appears behind an article as the user scrolls down to read. There will be a break in the text and will show about 25% of the ad in each frame.


Push Notification

  • Push Text: Under 150 characters
  • Push Image: 800x800
  • Push Image: 150kb or less

Page Background

  • 1242x2206
  • 150kb or less

Cards and modules will float over the background. Avoid large black spaces as it will blur the outlines of existing cards.
