Celtics.com MailBag

Marc D'Amico
Team Reporter and Analyst

We’re opening up the MailBag for the very first time in the history of Celtics.com!

If you’ve ever had a burning question you’ve wanted to submit to Celtics.com, the time has finally arrived. We’re looking for the very best questions to be submitted to the Celtics.com MailBag, and then we’ll turn around and answer them periodically.

If you’re wondering about the inner workings of the organization, this is your arena to find an answer. How about a question about the team’s facilities? We can help you there, too. Want to find out the answer to Celtics trivia questions, or maybe what some former players are up to nowadays? Go ahead and ask! The door is essentially open for you to ask anything and everything about the Boston Celtics - use your imagination!

We'll pick some of our favorite inquiries and post the answers here, so check back regularly!

*Please note that this is not an avenue to submit questions to players or to request player appearances or autographs.

//[CDATA[ makeSpamFreeEmail("mailbag", "SUBMIT YOUR MAILBAG QUESTION HERE", "MailBag Question"); //]]/

Previous MailBag Entries