
13 Things only Warriors Fans Understand

Once season starts, supporting the Warriors becomes even more of a #1 priority. Your non-sports loving friends won't understand, but we do.

1. You’re always discussing the games. Even* when they’re not on.


2. You have your go-to “How about that game?” friend.

Maybe it’s the person who sits behind you during the games, or the bartender at your favorite sports bar, or the coworker that sits across from your cubicle.

3. From October(Actually late September!) until hopefully mid-June, your plans revolve around the game schedule.

It’s totally acceptable though, because watching the game IS your main plan.

4. Your wardrobe becomes 80% Dubs gear.

Let’s be honest, it’s always 80% Dubs gear.

5. Your superstitions are at an all-time high.

Must sit in the same seat, eat the same meal & wear your lucky Warriors hat. Why? Because you just do. Your non-sports loving friend will never understand why they have to leave the room when the team starts performing poorly. You know what I mean.

6. You sneak in live games whenever you can.

At work, school, in the shower...seriously anywhere.

7. You get your energy from the players.

Nothing amps you up more than a Curry shimmy or a Draymond flex. No Mom, I don’t think the players can hear me through the T.V, but LET'S GOOOOO.

8. Having to convince your East Coast friends that staying up late for the game is a MUST.

Curse this 3-hour time difference.

9.The competition. Yes, we all have that one (or more) friend who just loves to root against your team, no matter what.

Healthy banter is all part of the game, but thankfully most of your closest friends are part of Dub Nation because, well, strength in numbers!

10.Yelling "CURRY" when throwing paper in the recycling bin.

Or when you throw laundry in the hamper, or trash in the trashcan or just about anything thrown from a distance.

11.Explaining to your friends that “Golden State” isn’t a city, it’s the WHOLE bay.

Yes other teams are only one city. We are not. BAY AREEEAAA

12.Dinners will be taken and eaten in front of the TV.

Hurry up, the game is back on!

13.#DubNation isn’t just about basketball, it’s a way of life!