
Lakers' LeBron James Has High Praise For Naz Reid's Game

Here in Minnesota, we already know that Naz Reid is Naz Reid. But now thanks to LeBron James, the entire world knows.

Reid caught James' attention during Minnesota's 108-101 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers on Tuesday. It was a typical Naz Reid game, filled with explosive dunks, like this one:

And sick handles:

Reid finished the game as the Wolves' leading scorer off the bench with 12 points. In just 18 minutes, he shot 66.6 percent from the field (FG: 4-for-6) and got to the line seven times (FT: 4-of-7).

Reid's game was so nice that James had to give him props on Twitter:

Of course, James did misspell Reid's name. But perhaps that's just because he was so excited to watch Naz cook and typed too fast.

It happens to the best of us.