
The Ultimate Measure of a Man

The target tattooed on Danny Green’s shooting elbow got some well-deserved attention last week, as he Green a career-high nine threes Tuesday.

But on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Green has another tattoo worthy of attention.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Those are the words of Dr. King himself, and Green has them enshrined in cursive script, across his chest.

Green considers himself grateful to the strong Black role models in his life, starting with his own father, Danny Sr.

Green’s father was also the first person to introduce Green to the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

“He was a history teacher, so [I learned] about other Black men through him - like Martin Luther King, even recently, Barack Obama, and so many different people that I idolize.”

Green attributes his strength as a man and a leader today to the leaders who came before him.

Green offered further reflection on the crucial significance of Black role models and leaders in his life:

“A lot of those things I might not know if I didn’t have my Dad, my father figure, or those people to look up to, around you.”

Lessons that Green always keeps in mind, and close to heart.