
Green Committed to Building Championship Culture

Danny Green’s mission as a 76er is twofold:

Help the team set the tone on the court - both offensively and defensively - and lead the group in developing a championship culture.

“I think I can help everybody,” Green said after his first practice as a Sixer Wednesday. “Not just stars or certain people, but everybody across the board, both guards and bigs.”

Green joins the Sixers after winning two consecutive NBA titles, with the Raptors and the Lakers, meaning he knows exactly what it takes to get there.

The three-time NBA champ says he and Dwight Howard (also on the 2020 Finals-winning Laker squad) will do everything in their power to maintain a championship environment.

In Green’s first practice with the team, his new head coach was surprised by his game, given he was being asked to play catch-up.

“Danny could probably show up on the first game, and figure out how to play, because he’s been doing it for so long.”

“I’m guessing he hadn’t touched a ball since the championship game,” Doc Rivers said. “He was unbelievable today.”

Rivers agrees that Green’s veteran presence, along with Howard’s, could be paramount to the team’s success.

“It’s not bad having championship guys on your team - let’s just put it like that.”

Green believes he can be a mentor to the team’s younger players, a role that he’s taking seriously. He also says that the team’s stars are in the right headspace to learn and grow.

“I like that they’re open to learning. They’re open to criticism from the coaches, and want to be guided.”

Green believes he can help the group build its defensive identity - one of Rivers’ top priorities. The new Sixer says developing a new identity is a journey, but one that’s already begun.

A head start on the long road to come.

“It takes day by day, and it’s a process,” Green said. “Hopefully by All-Star break, towards the end of the season, they’re mentally prepared for what’s to come.”