
Catching Up With James Anderson

Spurs.com recently caught up with rookie James Anderson to briefly check-in on his rehab for his injured foot and to find out what's he's doing to keep busy while on the sideline.

Spurs.com recently caught up with rookie James Anderson to briefly check-in on his rehab for his injured foot and to find out what's he's doing to keep busy while on the sideline.

Spurs.com - How’s the foot? Have you been able to do anything to make it better?

James Anderson - I’ve been doing a lot of pool workouts and anything else I can that doesn’t involve putting pressure on my foot. I’m still trying to stay in good condition the best way I can without being on court running.

Spurs.com - How long before you can resume basketball activities?

James Anderson - I’m really just playing it by ear right now. I don’t know when exactly. I’m just doing what the training staff is telling me to do, as far as working out, and not asking too many questions so I don’t slow the process down.

Spurs.com - Has it been frustrating to miss this much time so early on in the season?

James Anderson - It’s very frustrating. Especially coming off of the hamstring injury this summer. I really felt like I was starting out the season well and getting into a good rhythm. That said, I’m working to make a full recovery and get myself back out on the court.

Spurs.com - What have you been able to learn while watching the team’s fast start?

James Anderson - I’m definitely watching and learning. Every game we play I’m tuned in like I’m out there on the court. I’m paying attention to all of the little details and asking myself “What can I take from this? What can I learn?”.