
Starting Five: Arron Afflalo

Josh Cohen
Digital News Manager

5. Quick hitters …

Secret talent? Arron: ``Juggling.’’

Do you know fellow Compton native, Richard Sherman? Arron: ``I just found out he’s from Compton now that he’s blowing up a little bit. But I don’t know him.’’

Musical artist you are embarrassed to admit that you like? Arron: ``There’s really nobody that I’m embarrassed to say that I like. I don’t have any pop or rock or anything like that. For me, it’s just Hip Hop and R&B. I do listen to a lot of old-school music, but nothing that I would be embarrassed to tell anybody about. I like stuff like the O’Jays and old-school stuff like that. I find all of that stuff really soulful.’’

More like your mom or dad? Arron: ``I would say I am more like my dad. It’s because our personalities are so similar. He’s kind of laid-back, but fiery at the same time. Yeah, I would definitely say my dad because that’s how I am.’’