
Smart, Vonleh Pre-Draft Workout Wrap

The Sacramento Kings hosted their first two pre-Draft workouts at the team’s practice facility on Monday, featuring eight prospects. Following the workout, Kings.com caught up with Smart, Vonleh, Ennis, Lane and Kings Assistant GM Mike Bratz to gain insight about Monday’s workout and more.



Marcus Smart

On the pre-Draft workout:

“Everyone was out there competing and going hard. That’s what you expect at these workouts – go out there and compete.”

On the Kings Coaching Staff:

“[The Kings] have a great coaching staff. Everybody gets along with each other. They are very interactive with their players – you can tell they care, which is a good thing.”

On returning to school for a sophomore season:

“I definitely think I made the right decision on coming back [for my sophomore year]. I have no regrets. I got to go back and have another year in college, enjoy that experience and still be able to play in the NBA.”

Noah Vonleh

What were you trying to show the coaches today?

“I was just trying to show that I can handle the ball, I can play away from the basket and I’m really versatile. [I can] rebound the ball, rebound in my area and I have great touch.”

How do you see yourself fitting in with this team?

“I can definitely see myself complementing [DeMarcus Cousins]. He’s a great player – he can put up 20 and 15 every night. I think I could take some help away from him in the paint and stretch the floor with my shooting and versatility.”

Where do you think you will be drafted on June 26?

“I think top-five – hopefully it all works out. Some people are saying top-ten, so I don’t know. Hopefully, somewhere in the top-10 – I wouldn’t mind to play for anyone who picks me up. I am going to work hard from Day 1.”

Tyler Ennis

On today’s pre-Draft workout:

“It was a good workout. I got a lot of shots up and we were able to compete a little bit as well, so it was good to be able to show every part of your game like that.”

What did you try to show the coaches today?

“You definitely want to show that you can knockdown the NBA three. In college, you’re not able to show that. Personally, I wanted to show that I can defend. Coming from Syracuse, a lot of people question if you can defend.”

Are you more of a pass-first or shoot-first guard?

“Growing up I was always pass first. This past summer in Czech Republic playing for team Canada, I had to take more of a scoring role and I was able to lead the tournament in scoring. But it kind of just depends on the team. With all the credit that the athletic guys get in the league, a true point guard is someone who makes others better and I think every team needs that.”

Brendan Lane

On his performance at the pre-Draft workout:

“I shot the ball really well, which is good for me to let them see what I can do. I just tried to be out there, be active as much as I can defensively and knock down my shots.”

What aspect of your game have you been working on lately?

“That was the biggest thing today. [I just wanted to] be able to show them my range from three. I didn’t shoot that many threes this year, so it was good to show them that.”

What current NBA player do you try to model your game after?

“Obviously, he would have to come from Sacramento – Ryan Anderson. That’s who I want to be like. He’s a great shooter. He’s done a lot in the league – it would be great to play up to that level.”

Mike Bratz

What were your impressions of Ennis?

“He shot the ball really well early in the workout. I wasn’t surprised – he’s a really well-rounded player. Obviously, he’s made big shots in his career – you like to see those things.”

What type of player do you think Smart will be in the NBA?

“I think good players do whatever they need to do. Marcus needed to score at Oklahoma State. He also had a couple of guys who could shoot, but they needed him to score the ball. When he gets in the pros, I think it depends on what the makeup of his team is. I expect him to be more of a passer than he was in college and more of a playmaker and defender.”

How much of a factor are these pre-Draft workouts in deciding who to draft?

“The thing about bringing them in – you get to know them a little bit and they also get to interact with your coaching staff. It’s just another little piece to the whole puzzle.”

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Vine: Prospects describe their game in 3 words - Smart | Vonleh | Lane