
The Secret to Mike Bibby’s Impressive New Physique

By now, everyone has seen that picture of a jacked Mike Bibby after a hoops session with his son.

Yes, that picture.

On the heels of the photo drawing international headlines, men’s fashion and lifestyle magazine GQ sat down with Bibby to discuss his current diet and weight lifting routine.

First things first, Bibby says that he is always in the gym - whether it’s for himself or training others. He is modest in saying that the picture makes him look much bigger than he actually is in real life, and attributes his build to genetics. Although, that may be somewhat true, he does tell GQ that he tries to “eat well and take care of my body as much as I can.”

If you want to try No. 10’s routine, you better have a lot of time because his exercise regimen is no joke.

Bibby does full-body lifts – three days a week with weights, and two days with bands, for about two to three hours. He then goes to the gym to workout, shoot, or play basketball. He takes a small break, and then proceeds to go back to the gym for more shooting, and footwork drills. His day typically starts at 7 a.m. and ends at about 10 or 11 p.m.

That’s not all. According to the former No. 2 overall pick, the most important part of a healthy regimen is what you eat. Bibby says that he weighs all his food, eats smaller portions and more frequently throughout the day. “I keep the carbs low and eat very little sugar,” adds Bibby. “I’ve probably lost 25 pounds. I’m still strong—it’s just less fat. I knocked that off, and I feel good.”

With a strong work ethic, we have no doubt that Kings fans can be like Mike.

Be sure to read the rest of his GQ feature to catch up with what Bibby has been doing on-and-off the court.