Postgame Quotes - January 17, 2014

(On loss): “It was unexplainable to me. Maybe the days off affected us in terms of getting up and down the floor, continue playing the way we had practiced for the last four days. Maybe it was just that we were off so long.”

(On the line-up): “I was just looking for something else. Nothing was working. We weren’t getting anything done. They were scoring at will. We just weren’t getting a whole lot done so I had to try and change something up. I had to do something different. That’s what I was trying to do.”

(On loss): “We came out hot in the beginning, we played well, and then like what’s been happening in the second half we fall asleep and came out with a loss.”

(On Pistons’ offense): “They played good defense, it’s a great team. We just couldn’t get into a good rhythm, get ourselves going and try to pull ourselves back.”

(On loss and playing the Wizards tomorrow): “We don’t have a choice. We can’t dwell on a loss; all it’s going to do is make it worse if we keep thinking about it. We play again tomorrow, got to get prepared for that game.”

(On game): "We were really good tonight, especially in that third quarter when we have been coming out after getting a lead. I thought we came out with a lot of energy. We executed and moved the ball really well tonight and we got some good looks as a result of it.”

(On Trey Burke): "I wanted to let him play a little bit longer rather than shorter so he could kind of play his way. When I took him out I thought he relaxed a little bit and had a great second half for us."

(On Trey Burke's second half): "He made some good shots. I thought he was passing the ball really well. He made some turnovers, but I thought he was looking to make the right passes and it kind of set up his offense in the third quarter."

(On game): "This was a big win not just for me, but for us; we've been playing really good basketball. Coming from the bench, we've been playing with lots of energy. It's going to be good when we get Gordon (Hayward) back.”

(On containing Drummond and Monroe): "They're pretty talented big men, so you have to put a body on them and fight hard down low in the post. We tried to come out with a lot of energy tonight and played hard."

(On game): "It felt good to get the win. We had a lot of fun out there tonight as a team. We came out and matched their intensity every quarter. That's what it was about, we never let up."

(On individual performance): "I had a little bit of a slow start. I'm not even going to lie; I came out a little excited. Once I was able to sit down and see the game from a different perspective, I was able to just relax and play.”