
Hawks Slip In Power Rankings After 1-3 Week

The Hawks tumbled a bit in the national power rankings this week, but it isn't time to sound the panic alarms just yet. Monday at practice, the focus was on tightening a leaky defense that gave up an uncharacteristic number of points.

The team had a long film session to figure out what hasn't been going great lately. But head coach Mike Budenholzer came out of the meeting in good spirits.

"Somebody called me out on how long it was," Budenholzer quipped. "One of our assistant coaches. I'm going to have to talk to him about his film etiquette," he said with a smirk.

"It was just a back-to-basics, 'how we build our defense' (session). We looked at a couple of games, not just yesterday. It was good because our guys are a really smart group, and they're engaging. Today there was some good feedback both ways. I think we learned a lot."

Story by KL ChouinardTwitter:  @AnaheimAmigos