
Predraft Workouts Begin On The Brief Case, Episode 96

Greetings from North Portland. With the Trail Blazers holding the first of what I imagine will be a significant number of predraft workouts at their facility in Tualatin Thursday morning, there was plenty of cause to record yet another edition of The Brief Case podcast, which you can listen/subscribe to below...

Topics on this, the 96th edition, include...

• The Trail Blazer hosting six players at their first predraft workout of 2024

•UCLA's Adem Bona and Cal's Jaylon Tyson discuss their workouts with the Trail Blazers and general thoughts on the predraft processs

• Check out yet another mock draft, this time from Krysten Peek at Yahoo! Sports

• The Mavs stealing homecourt versus the Timberwolves in Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals and whether the Eastern Conference Finals are already over with the Celtics taking Game 1 (not to mention Game 2) in dramatic fashion versus the Pacers

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