Draft workout on May 30, 2023. Bruce Ely / Trail Blazers

Amen And Ausar Thompson Come Through Portland On The Brief Case

Things are starting to get serious.

With the 2023 Draft less than a month away, the Trail Blazers are starting to increase both the frequency of their workouts and the quality of players invited to participate in those workouts, as evidenced by Amen and Ausar Thompson, both of whom are projected to be lottery picks, working out for the Trail Blazers Tuesday morning. And with a big week of workouts on the schedule, the time was right to record the 41st edition of The Brief Case podcast, which you can listen/subscribe to below...

On this edition you'll hear from both Amen and Ausar about their respective workouts with the Trail Blazers, how playing in the Overtime Elite League prepared them for the NBA, their relationship as twin brothers who have played on the same team for most of their lives, what they're trying to show in the pre-draft process and how they don't view it as a "three-player" draft. And you'll also get me quickly previewing the upcoming NBA Finals between the Nuggets and Heat.

You can subscribe to the Brief Case on Apple PodcastsSpotifyIHeartRadioAmazon MusicTuneInPodcast AddictPodchaserPocket CastsDeezerPlayerFM. . I'll be back with another episode later this week!