
Russell Westbrook, Jordan unveil Why Not Zer0.4 signature shoe

addByline("Zach Rosen", "WashingtonWizards.com", "ZacharySRosen");

On Monday, Russell Westbrook and Jordan Brand officially unveiled Westbrook’s fourth signature shoe, the Why Not Zer0.4.

The performance shoe captures Westbrook's style on and off the court. The Why Not Zer0.4 shoe was also designed with BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) artists, which Westbrook explained in his social media posts on Monday morning.

"This year it was important to me to reflect on what we all have experienced throughout the year, specifically the black community," Westbrook wrote. "Being a Black man in today's society is something that I cherish and own and I am always trying to find ways to impact and inspire our youth. To help express the meaning of #WHYNOT the @jumpman23 team and I teamed up with BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) artists to showcase the talents of this community. Each artist was paired up with a colorway to give my story a unique design or illustration seen through their eyes."

“My favorite part about this shoe, and this whole collection, is being able to use different fabrics and materials yet still prioritizing the performance of the shoe,” Westbrook said in Jordan’s official release .

The shoe is part of an apparel collection that launches globally on January 14.