
Prospect Q&A: Stanley Johnson

By Leonard Davis and Steven Blevins

Q: "How did your game grow or evolve while playing at the University of Arizona?"

A: "I believe the biggest evolution came from the maturity involved. When talking about the different skills and mentality that is needed, I think I now have that thanks to Coach Miller. He made me a pro. I had the body and athleticism but he gave me the mentality."

Q: "After playing with other notable NBA, names how do you think this has prepared you for the NBA atmosphere?"

A: Playing with and against good players was key. Everyone in the NBA is good, but given the opportunity to play with these types of guys has given me a head start on what the future holds.

Q: "What has been the most exciting part of the NBA Draft process for you?"

A: Honestly, just playing basketball. Any time I get the opportunity to just come out and play basketball and give it everything I’ve got is what really matters.

Q: "If you could give young players three keys that have led to your success what would they be?"

A: The one and only rule I have is keeping your circle tight! That hits all areas needed to be successful. You need people to keep it real and tell you when to do or not to do something or help take you out of the wrong place and put you in the right place. Most importantly, just people that you can trust. Always remember to stay loyal to those people because the more you move around as a player you leave room for tons of opinions. Keep in mind that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. That’s what my mom has always taught me.

Q: "If drafted by Denver, what do you think you would bring to the table for the Nuggets?"

A: I think I bring a player to the table that will come every day with his hard hat on and will compete every single possession. Someone who brings both an offensive and defensive presence. And also a player who would be loyal to the city. I’m a really loyal person, so if I find a city I’m comfortable in then I don’t want to leave it.