
SuperMascot Rocky among America's most popular mascots

Nuggets SuperMascot Rocky might be a tad underrated.

In a list of America’s most popular pro sports mascots, Forbes Magazine ranked Rocky No. 10 – tied with the Racing Presidents of the Washington Nationals.

Rocky, who was inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame in 2008, has entertained NBA and Nuggets fans of all ages for the past 22 years. Among NBA mascots, he ranked behind the Phoenix Gorilla (seventh) and the San Antonio Coyote (ninth).

In describing Rocky, Forbes wrote: “In the Gorilla/Coyote mold, Rocky the mountain lion entertains with high flying dunks and half court shots. He even tried "Tebowing" this season.”

The Forbes’ list was based on rankings by The Marketing Arm's Davie Brown Index, which measured pro sports mascots on how easily consumers recognized them and their affiliation to their respective teams.

Click here to view a photo gallery of every mascot on Forbes’ list.