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Miami Heat's Dwyane Wade, Hassan Whiteside out vs. Portland Trail Blazers

Both Dwyane Wade and Hassan Whiteside will sit out with injuries when the Miami Heat begin a three-game West Coast trip Monday night.

The Heat announced the injuries — a mild left hamstring strain for Wade and left hip pain for Whiteside — in an official release that didn’t drop until the wee hours back home in Miami. But then, the team already was on Pacific time, having traveled to Portland. Wade and Whiteside both were on the flight.

The decision not to use both players against the Trail Blazers was a precautionary move, lest their injuries get worse, according to Ira Winderman of Sun-Sentinel:

Wade was definitive after straining his left hamstring and departing with 11:18 to play in the fourth quarter of Saturday night’s 129-102 victory over the Washington Wizards at AmericanAirlines Arena.

“I won’t be in the lineup against Portland, I can probably guarantee that,” he said. “I have time to get treatment and try to take it day to day and see when I get back. Hopefully I’m not out too long. I don’t know how long.

“I have no timetable right now. All you can do is do your treatment and do your strengthening and whenever you feel like it’s ready to go, just get on the floor.”

Whiteside, who strained his left hip flexor during [Saturday morning’s] shootaround, also was not optimistic before the Heat made their formal announcement

“With strains it’s pretty tricky,” he said after sitting out Saturday’s victory. “They can last a couple of days; they can go away. I definitely don’t want to go out there and make it worse and then it’s something that’s lingering for month.”

Forward Justise Winslow, who left Saturday’s game with a sore knee, is not on the latest Heat injury report.

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