Trail Blazers face the Los Angeles Lakers on February 13, 2023. Bruce Ely / Trail Blazers

Thybulle Debut And All-Star Weekend on The Brief Case, Episode 24

Greetings from North Portland. With just one more game until the All-Star break, wanted to get out yet another edition of The Brief Case podcast before heading to Salt Lake City for a few days...

Topics on this edition include...

• Damian Lillard's thoughts on one of his newest teammates, Matisse Thybulle

• The 2023 NBA Trade Deadline and the issue with the four-team trade that netted the Trail Blazers five second-round picks

• Looking forward to the 2023 All-Star Weekend, which is just a few days away in Salt Lake City

• Matisse Thybulle's comments after his Trail Blazers debut about feeling comfortable, being an instinctual defensive presence and finding peace.

You can subscribe to the Brief Case on Apple PodcastsSpotifyIHeartRadioAmazon MusicTuneInPodcast AddictPodchaserPocket CastsDeezer and PlayerFM. New episode later this week from Salt Lake City, so now is a great time to subscribe!