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Kemba Walker (shoulder) doubtful tonight vs. Toronto Raptors

Save for a three-game win streak about a week ago, the Charlotte Hornets have been in a funk of late. They’ve lost eight of their last 11 games — including two straight losses — and rank 24th in Effective Field Goal percentage over the last two weeks.

As Charlotte visits the surging Toronto Raptors — winners of seven of their last 10 games — tonight (7:30 ET, NBA League Pass), it will have to get back on track without one its top player. Guard Kemba Walker hardly practiced yesterday with the Hornets due to a shoulder injury and is very unlikely to play tonight, writes Rick Bonnell of the Charlotte Observer:

Coach Steve Clifford said Tuesday that starting point guard Kemba Walker is doubtful to play Wednesday night against the Toronto Raptors because of a left shoulder contusion suffered during Saturday night’s loss to San Antonio.

Walker hardly practiced on Tuesday, and Clifford said in the likely event that Walker can’t play, Michael Carter-Williams would start.

“Whether Kemba plays or not, I’m gonna be ready to go,” Carter-Williams said Tuesday. “Like I’ve been saying all season, just trying to do anything for the team to win.”

Bonnell writes that rookie Malik Monk, who has fallen out of the rotation of late, could see additional minutes tonight as well.
