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How do I get to the Rose Garden Arena

The Rose Garden is located off Interstate Ave. The address for the arena is:
1 Center Court
Portland, OR. 97227
Click here for detailed driving directions.

Is parking available for games at the Rose Garden Arena?

Parking is available in various lots around the arena including the East and West Garage located across from the arena. For directions and information about parking visit our parking page.

Can you recommend hotels and restaurants in the area?

Please visit our Travel Guide for more information. Or visit

Where do I find information on Rose Quarter Concerts and Events?

Visit for more information about upcoming concerts and events at the Rose Quarter.

How do I purchase Trail Blazers tickets?

Ok, seriously, look up... no not at the ceiling... at the top of the page. That square looking thing with arrows on it. You can buy single game tickets by clicking on the
arrows and finding the game you want to go to. If you want to save some money, check out some of the great packages we have. Just click on the red buttons on the bottom of the
rectangular ticket box thing.

When and where are BlazerDancer auditions held?

BlazerDancer auditions are usually held in the summer, the dates and location of the auditions will be posted on once confirmed... we promise, they'll be posted snoon.

How do I find out about opportunities to sing the National Anthem?

For fans interested in singing the National Anthem at a Portland Trail Blazer game this is a great opportunity. The Trail Blazers hold open auditions every year in September, the dates of the auditions will be posted on once confirmed or call (503) 234-9291.

Say I want to propose to my girlfriend/boyfriend... How do I get a message on the Scoreboard during a game?

During Blazers home games we will display a maximum of three (3) personal (birthday, anniversary, etc.) messages per game. Requests must be made AT LEAST 24 hours in advance. Requests will be honored on a first come, first served basis.
Click here to download a scoreboard request message.

Where do I go to purchase Trail Blazers merchandise?

We suggest hereto visit the Official Portland Trail Blazers Team Shop online where you can purchase your official team merchandise. Portland Trailblazers and NBA merchandise can be purchased on the concourse at locations on the 100 level at entry A6, entry A15, entry A25, and on the 300 level at entry C4 in the Rose Garden. The phone number to the Trail Blazers Gear warehouse is 1-800-395-9525.

At what age do children need their own ticket for entry into the game?

If a child has had their second birthday, a ticket is required for entry into a Trail Blazers game.