Call Of The Game: The Legend Of Lillard


The voice of the Trail Blazers, Brian Wheeler, delivers the Call of the Game.

Chandler Parsons grabbed the loose ball and put in up and in, giving the Houston Rockets a 98-96 lead with just 0.9 seconds remaining on the game clock. Houston was 0.9 seconds away from Game 7. But 0.9 seconds was plenty of time for Damian Lillard to add to his already impressive legend. In nearly the exact spot where Brandon Roy sent Houston home packing six years ago, Lillard caught the ball from beyond the arc, let it fly, and the rest, as they say, was history. Behind Lillard's miraculous buzzer0beater, the Portland Trail Blazers defeated the Rockets, 99-98, and advanced to the Western Conference Semifinals for the first time since 2000.