On Friday, Golden State coach Steve Kerr admitted that he had used marijuana to help manage chronic back pain.
The pain was so severe that he had surgery following Golden State’s championship run in 2015, and he missed the first 43 games of the 2015-16 season.
While Kerr said he didn’t know if he was subject to a drug test, we know the answer now. Today the NBA responded to Kerr’s admission, as tweeted by ESPN.com’s Chris Haynes…
NBA issues brief statement to ESPN regarding Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr revealing his marijuana use. pic.twitter.com/vgKXy6fjc7
— Chris Haynes (@ChrisBHaynes) December 3, 2016
While the statement says marijuana is a banned substance for coaches, during the recent presidential election, voters in California passed a measure that effectively legalizes recreational use of marijuana.