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Isaiah Thomas says Cleveland Cavaliers haven't rushed him to come back

The Cleveland Cavaliers had their share of early-season anxiety after a loss-laden late October and early November. But a four-game win streak — such as the one the Cavs are on — can cure a lot of ills in the NBA world. As Cleveland tries to right its ship further, it is also keeping a close eye on the rehab work being done by star point guard Isaiah Thomas.

Thomas remains on track for a Jan. 1 return (although there have been rumblings he might be back sooner). As Joe Vardon of reports, Thomas went through his most grueling workout yet yesterday and said he’s been more than happy with how Cleveland’s front office has treated him as he mends:

The scene, then, of Thomas out there running full court, shooting in transition, and walking through sets with teammates was striking, given that he’s a two-time All-Star and All-NBA point guards and the Cavs have a dearth of able bodies at the position.

But the organization continues to slow play Thomas’ return from the torn labrum and other injuries suffered to his right hip last season. Though virtually everyone involved allows for the possibility that Thomas will return of the team’s original Jan. 1 target date, there has been no formal update on his status.

“I’m protecting myself, so, even if they wanted me to hurry back, I’m not going to hurry back, just because I’ve got a long career ahead of me and an important summer as well,” Thomas told “So, I’ve got to make sure I’m 100 percent healthy before I step out on the floor. But these guys have not rushed me one bit. They’ve taken their time with me and I appreciate that. Because most teams, they want you out there, especially if things aren’t going well.”

Thomas said the workout he completed Sunday was the “hardest I’ve run” during his recovery, and it “felt good for the most part.” He said the next step in the process would be cutting and changing direction, and team sources say Thomas has completed each stage of rehab with no setbacks or pauses or side effects.

After his shocking offseason trade from Boston to Cleveland, Thomas found it hard to put his faith in an organization. But the Cavs’ treatment of him on and off the court during this time has made an impact:

“Yeah because, I mean, it’s hard to trust organizations,” Thomas said. “They got their own agenda and you got your own. But here it’s like, since Day 1, if it takes until June, you’re not getting out there. From the first doctor I met, to the training staff to the coaching staff.

“Even with this little rut we’ve been in, it’s been like take your time. Don’t worry about this. We’ll be alright. That gives you a lot of confidence going forward, knowing that nobody’s here to rush you.”

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