
Laker Girl Fitness Profile - Rebekah

Q: What advice would you give to individuals who would like to be a professional dancer when they grow up?

A: My advice for any aspiring professional dancer is to make sure to stay in dance classes (even over holiday breaks) because your dance technique is important. I also think it is a good idea to take a good variety of classes and not to limit yourself to just one style of dance!
What daily activity gives you a great work out, even though it doesn’t seem like exercise?

Q: What daily activity gives you a great work out, even though it doesn’t seem like exercise?

A: A daily workout that I get is when I am teaching dance class, because even though it is dedicated to the students in the class I am teaching, I have to demonstrate each step with full energy and precision so they can understand the step or move to learn it correctly.
What do you eat on a game day?

Q: What do you eat on a game day?

A: On a game day I typically eat spinach and a mixed green salad with chicken. I also look to eat a good source of protein and fruit – I feel is helps sustain my energy throughout the game!

Q: What is your favorite healthy snack to prepare and eat?

A: My favorite healthy snack is celery with peanut butter and raisins!