
Laker Girl 2013-14 Blog - Jessie

Hi Lakers Fans!

My name is Jessie. This is my first season as a Laker Girl and what a year it has been! I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and have been a huge Lakers fan since I was a little girl. Being part of the Lakers organization has been more than a dream come true! This position has provided me with a lifetime of memories and experiences!

It seems just like yesterday that I was getting ready to perform at my first Lakers game. Words cannot describe the feeling of how exciting it was! The energy inside of our arena, during our games, is unmatched by any other team. No matter how big or small of a play, there is always an overwhelming amount of cheers coming from the stands.


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April 12th & 13th rounded out the end of both the Lakers and D-Fenders season. Performing at these last few games was just as exciting as the first time I stepped on the court. The D-Fenders season ended with an extremely close NBDL game. If you have never been to a D-Fenders game I would highly suggest going next season! I know some of my other teammates have mentioned it in our earlier blog entries, but the D-Fenders games are played at the Toyota Sports Center. If you do attend a game, you get the chance to sit very close and catch all of the fast-pace action.

The day after our last D-Fenders game, was the last Lakers home game of the season against Memphis. After the game a few of us stopped by Carl's Jr. to grab a milkshake and celebrate. Both of our teams had a good run and it was exciting for me to be a part of it all!

Although the NBA basketball season is officially over, my teammates and I will keep busy throughout the summer. We will be involved with many sponsor appearances, private appearances, charitable functions and community events.

This past Saturday morning, I attended a fundraising event with Chloe and Brandi. After meeting and speaking with a few different Lakers fans that were at the event, I soon learned that Laker Girls have been coming out and supporting this event for over 10 years! It reminded me of how lucky I am to be a part of such an amazing organization when I heard how much our support meant to the fans at the event and how excited they were that we were able to attend! I am so looking forward to being a part of many more events in the next few months!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and REMEMBER to keep spreading the Lakers spirit... even in the off-season!

- Jessie