2011-12 Laker Girls: Jessica

Your Favorites?

Color?My Favorite Color is Green
Movie?I really enjoy Guy Ritchie movies in general. I also like Kill Bill 1 and 2.
Book?My Favorite book is basically anything Harry Potter
Food?Pad Thai
Candy?I love any and all candy, but my favorites are probably Smarties and Jelly Bellies
NBA Player?Obviously Lakers players are my favorite players, but if I had to choose someone else in the league, I would say Stephen Curry.
Lakers Player?Ron Artest, I think that he gives100% of himself every game!
TV Show?Frasier
Cartoon Character?Spongebob Squarepants
Animal?I am definitely a dog lover
Super Hero?Superman
Amusement Park?Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio Texas is definitely my favorite park, I love roller coasters and it has the best ones.
Band?Aerosmith is my favorite band, I have seen them twice and hope to see them again some day.
Group?I don't know if they count as a "group" or a "band", but I also love Gun n' Roses!!
Song?This is a hard one to narrow down, maybe "Livin' On The Edge" by Aerosmith...but there are just so many to choose from, I love music!
Dessert?Cheesecake-stuffed Chocolate-covered Strawberries
Actor?Gerard Butler
Video game?My favorite video game is a little old school, Yoshi's Island for Super NES
Quote?"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light"
Vacation destination?Anywhere warm with a pool and a golf course
Holiday?I love Christmas. I think it is a cheerful time of year, and there's usually a Lakers game on that day too!
Brand of jeans?Guess Jeans are my favorite.
Article of clothing?My David Beckham Galaxy jersey
Class/subject in school?This may sound strange, but I loved Physics when I took it.

Questions for you:

What is a secret about yourself? A secret to some about myself would be that I am a pretty sore loser when it comes to games and sports of any kind.

What are your hobbies? My hobbies would include Golfing, Playing Fantasy Football, Reading, playing Sudoku, and playing with my dog Gordon.

If you could be a celebrity/athlete/actor/singer, who would it be and why? If I could be any celebrity, I would want to be Lady GaGa, because she has a fantastic voice, fearless personality and outrageous wardrobe.

Which famous person would you like to have dinner with? Why? JK Rowling, because she created a business empire based on a story in her head.

Describe yourself…..or your personality. I am fun-loving and hard working, friendly and competitive.

Sum up yourself w/one word. Optimistic

What are you looking forward to this Lakers season? Although we were all sad to see Phil Jackson go, I am very excited to see how our new coaching roster will affect the success of the team.

Why did you decide to audition to be a Laker Girl? The first year I auditioned, it was purely because I had a strong passion for dance. The last three years that I have auditioned were because I love to dance and love being a part of the Lakers Organization.

Fondest memory as a child? One of my fondest memories from childhood would be playing with my sisters at my grandparent's house in Florida. We could entertain ourselves for hours on end.

Name the most inspirational perosn in your life? My parents. They raised four girls, put us all through school and maintained sanity somehow...I hope to be as successful and giving as them someday.

Fondest memory as a Laker Girl? I think one of my fondest memories as a Laker Girl would be when we traveled to London during preseason last year. It was very cool to perform in the O2 arena, represent the organization and spend time in a beautiful city with the other girls.

What do you like most about being a part of the Laker Girls dance team? I absolutely love going out into the community to represent the Lakers organization. I feel like we really do get the opportunity to help people in our community and charitable foundations - it makes me feel good to do so.

What do you think people like most about you? My smile.

Dislikes…..Vegetable? Food? Beets and Uni (Sea Urchin)

If you could play an instrument – which one would it be? I wish that I could play the violin.

If you could be in the Olympics – which sport would you like to compete in? Figure Skating, definitely. I love the fun outfits and dance-like routines.

What is your scariest memory? Bungee Jumping was pretty scary, but it was so fun that I was glad I went through with it.

Embarrassing moment as a Laker Girl? The first solo I ever performed was to The Backstreet Boys "Larger Than Life" (...it gets worse). I didn't have much experience with the pressure involved in performing a solo and halfway through was running low on energy and forgot the routine. I improved about 3 eight counts of ill-conceived "hip hop", ended with a jumping split....and then ran off of the stage in embarrassment.

Your Horoscope Sign? Virgo, although I don't really follow my horoscope...

If you can say anything to the Lakers fans in L.A. – what would you say? Keep cheering loud at the games!!

Who is your biggest “dancing influence”? I would say the biggest influence in my life that initially guided me toward a dance career was Ms. Smith, who was one of my first dance teachers ever, she taught me to love the stage.

Best choreographer? One of the best choreographers I have worked with was C. Birmingham who owns Dance Continuum in Texas.

What is the key to staying in dancing shape? Well rounded workouts: cardio, weights, resistance, stretching, and of course dancing.

How many free throws could you hit out of 10 attempts? I think I could hit 8. I play the "Hot Shot" arcade game sometimes, and I'm pretty good!!

How many three pointers could you hit with 10 attempts? I think I could hit 2, but that's pretty far shot.

What was your best team sport growing up? I played soccer and softball (2nd base) when I was younger. I think I was probably better at softball.