



Celebrity stylist Dechel Mckillian founded GALERIE.LA with a mission to bring socially conscious fashion to the masses. Her “a-ha” moment came during a business trip with a client in Peru. As she rode a bus passing by a beach coated in trash, Dechel noticed the garbage was largely composed of plastic bags, clothing and shoes strewn about. She saw how wasteful the fashion industry could be to the planet and knew her journey was to make fashion sustainable for herself and others.

Dechel quit her job as a stylist and embarked on a mission to find eco-conscious fashion brands. After decoding countless websites and brand messaging, she thought to herself, "If I had trouble locating these companies, I couldn't have been the only one."

As a result, the GALERIE.LA blog was launched in 2016 as a curated source to find quality sustainable brands for fashion and lifestyle goods. The blog grew rapidly through word of mouth and the featured designers sharing GALERIE.LA as a destination for quality, sustainable fashion.

Within a year, an e-commerce store was launched that featured six highly curated brands. As the site grew, Dechel's next goal was to open a storefront where customers could experience sustainable fashion in person. Due to current safety measures, you can visit GALERIE.LA’s Long Beach showroom by appointment.

You can also shop online and explore Dechel's impeccable selection of thoughtfully curated styles, eco-friendly brands, and local designers.

GALERIE.LA's online store invites customers to shop their values with ease by featuring thoughtfully curated styles from emerging brands that focus on vegan, eco-friendly, artisan, and local production. All e-commerce styles are still readily available for purchase at Galerie.LA