
Employee Spotlight | Celebrating Women’s History Month with Kelsey Incrovato

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we are highlighting the achievements and stories of our Women employees across the LA Clippers, Agua Caliente Clippers, and the Forum.

Learn more about Kelsey Incrovato, Marketing Manager for the Forum! Kelsey manages their website, email, venue signage/ screens, paid media buying, photo/video & any other project that comes her way! They are a small team, and often pick up tasks not related to marketing as well!

Job before joining the Forum.

Before working at the Forum, I worked at an ad agency doing programmatic media buying.

When did you realize you wanted to work in the entertainment industry?

I knew I wanted to work in music forever, but I had absolutely no musical talent myself.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

My favorite thing about my job are my coworkers. We work a lot of long days, and we still manage to have fun and do awesome work together!

What advice do you have for women trying to break into the entertainment industry?

My best advice to women is to be confident. You deserve to be at any table. I spent many years being shy with imposter syndrome. If I could go back, I would definitely tell myself to get out of my head!

If you could have dinner with any woman in the world, who would it be and why?

I am going to have to say my favorite duo (even though I know that’s cheating) Tina Fey & Amy Pohler. They seems so funny, warm and pretty normal. I am pretty sure if we ever naturally met, I would be their new best friend.