
Joe G's GameDay Blog and Chat - Nov. 24, 2014

Get live, in-game coverage and analysis of tonight's game as the Wine and Gold take on the Orlando Magic at Quicken Loans Arena.

Plus, get into the conversation and join the live chat below:

Live Blog Regular Season Game 13: Cavaliers vs. Orlando Magic - November 24, 2014 window.cilAsyncInit = function() {cilEmbedManager.init()};(function() {if (window.cilVwRand === undefined) { window.cilVwRand = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); }var e = document.createElement('script');e.async = true;var domain = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' || document.location.protocol == 'file:') ? 'https://cdnsl.coveritlive.com' : 'https://cdnslssl.coveritlive.com';e.src = domain + '/vw.js?v=' + window.cilVwRand;e.id = 'cilScript-56c48f2754';document.getElementById('cil-root-56c48f2754').appendChild(e);}());