
From the Desk of Koby Altman

There has been steady growth and development from our team since the end of last season and a renewed sense of optimism and excitement. We have a talented core group of young players, all under the age of 25 years old, along with veteran leaders who have played a ton of meaningful NBA games. Together we share the common goal of creating a winning culture for the city of Cleveland.

It's the small victories each day and from game to game that further accelerates our goal of building a team for sustainable and long-term success. We’re faced with one of the hardest early season schedules to date, including a recent West Coast trip against some of the NBA’s elite teams. Our resilience and competitiveness led to impressive wins and showcased our potential. While we are not a finished product, we have been strategic in our approach, particularly with our big and skilled frontcourt. This has changed the way we play, and with any change comes mistakes from time to time, but I’m encouraged by our players commitment and sacrifice to learn from them.

The work ethic and positive attitude around this team has been contagious and speaks volumes to the type of people we have in this front office, our coaching staff and the maturity of our players. As Coach Bickerstaff says repeatedly, “we want to bring the scrap every night”. Our players have bought in to that mentality and identity we’re building. It’s been fun to watch. The future is bright in Cleveland – #LetEmKnow!

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