
Top Gifs: Western Conference Finals

It's simple really. #DubNation loves playoff basketball. High flying dunks, half-court three's and blocks at the rim are all rewarded with a roaring sea of yellow in Oracle. The team is fueled by the energy our fans bring and it is easy to see...just take a look at our bench!

Three-point goggles? Fist pumps? The Steph Shimmy? It's hard to name them all but it sure seems like our bench has the full variety covered.

Do you have a favorite? Check out the top 10 bench reactions from the Western Conference Finals, in GIF form!

You ready?

Let's get started.

10. Flex on 'em Dray'

Dray's defensive effort helped the Dubs through the series and helped keep Dub Nation on their feet

9. Feelin' It

Sometimes you just got to break it down to get loose

8. More Dancing

Dancing with the stars, Dubs edition anyone?

7. Even More Dancing Dubs

A pregame tradition of the Dubs, but this just gets better everytime we watch it.

6. What's The Sitch?

Hello, This is Nick Young speaking...yes I'm at the game and STEPH HIT ANOTHER THREE...I'll have to call you back later

5. Hold Me!

Something must have went incredibly right to warrant this reaction.

4. Go Ahead Then!

Playoff basketball has us all like...

3. Steph for THREE

Remember when Steph hit a 3 and did this?

2. YEAH!

So we all did this.

1. Every Kiss Begins With Klay

We love you Dub Nation.

It's Not Over

And don't worry, we're headed on to the NBA Finals and with that...more bench reactions!