Warriors Name Laurence Scott Host and Commentator

January 17, 2014
Warriors Name Laurence Scott Host and Commentator
Bay Area Anchor/Reporter Joins Club Full-Time

The Golden State Warriors have named longtime Bay Area television sports anchor/reporter Laurence Scott as the team’s host and commentator for Warriors TV and Warriors.com, the team announced today.

Scott, who has been a contributor to Warriors TV and Warriors.com since 2012, will continue to build upon the team’s digital and broadcast initiatives in this newly created role. A sports anchor/reporter for 12 years, he joins the Warriors from NBC Bay Area.

“I am extremely honored to join the Golden State Warriors,” said Scott. “With a great passion for telling the stories of the Warriors for over a decade at NBC, and recently having branched out into developing team-specific content, I am thrilled to have this opportunity to bring the team’s unique vision for digital storytelling to a very passionate fan base.”

Scott was the host of NBC Sports Sunday and Giants Clubhouse at NBC Bay Area. In addition to hosting and anchoring, he specialized in sports features, entertainment segments and Internet-exclusive content since first joining NBC in 2001.

A graduate of Stanford University with a Master of Arts degree and Southern Methodist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in radio/television, Scott has worked extensively with various digital media companies beyond his roles in broadcasting.

Previously, he was the host of A&E's Biography for Radio and sports anchor at CBS affiliate KOLD-TV in Arizona. He has covered the NBA for more than two decades while reporting on multiple teams.

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