Warriors Look To Revolutionize The Acoustic In-Arena Experience For Fans

Established 1946 | 7-time NBA Champions

April 14, 2014
Warriors Look To Revolutionize The Acoustic In-Arena Experience For Fans
Club Tests Ways To Bring Sounds Of the Game to Fans Throughout Oracle Arena; Organization Looks To Continue To Improve Game Day Experience For Fans

Continuously looking to improve the game day experience for fans, the Golden State Warriors are developing ways for fans throughout the arena to experience the sounds of the game from any seat inside Oracle Arena unlike anything before, it was announced today. With innovative technology, the Warriors are leading the way in changing the strategy on how teams will acoustically operate moving forward.

“We are always looking for ways to continuously move the needle in the form of digital and technologically advancements for our fans, players and as an organization as a whole,” said Warriors President and Chief Operating Officer, Rick Welts. “The ability of our organization to continuously be at the forefront of the league and professional sports when it comes to technology is something we pride ourselves on. We believe that re-inventing the way fans hear and ultimately experience the game will drastically alter the way the industry approaches the in-arena experience moving forward.”

During a home game stretch in March (March 18, March 20 and March 22), the Warriors tested ways all spectators, regardless of seat location, experience the key “game sounds” from the court. The organization captured, seamlessly integrated and delivered in real time the sounds from the court to fans that would not normally be able to hear those sounds. The test covered five sections at Oracle Arena from just above the court-level to the last row in Club 200 (upper level). Through the testing, fans that do not normally hear the sounds on the court, for the first time, were able to hear sounds from the game including the bounce of the ball, the squeak of a player’s shoes and the banter between players and coaches.

“This project is a step forward in changing the way a fan experiences live entertainment,” said Warriors Vice President of Digital and Marketing, Kenny Lauer. “While it is still early, we are planning more testing. If a fan sitting in the top row can close their eyes and know what’s going on in the game simply from the sounds they hear, then we know we’ve got something.”

Based on extensive acoustic testing, the Warriors installed multiple sets of microphones, two arrays of six loudspeaker positions, and a ring of delay speakers in strategic locations around the court and throughout Oracle Arena to deliver the right sounds to those further away from the action, but not to those fans close enough to already experience the sounds of the game. The Warriors plan to continue to explore ways to further this test in their ongoing desire to provide their fans the best game day experience.

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