
Forever #SagerStrong

Established 1946 | 7-time NBA Champions

The NBA community was stunned and saddened today with the passing of longtime NBA personality Craig Sager. While the flashy suits were certainly fun, eye-popping, horrendous, awesome, awesomely awful insert your adjective of choice here, the man underneath the wild threads was loved throughout the NBA for his loving spirit and outgoing personality. And over the last two-plus years, Sager became an inspiration as he fought a rare form of leukemia.

Totally befitting of the Sager Strong rally cry, Sager was truly one of a kind, and the Warriors, along with the rest of the NBA, mourn his passing while also celebrating the life of a legend.

From Sager’s speech upon receiving the Jimmy V Perserverance Award at The ESPYS in July of this year: “Time is something that cannot be bought, it cannot be wagered with God and it is not in endless supply. Time is simply how you live your life."