Boston Celtics Recycling Education Initiative

BOSTON (October 26, 2012) – The Boston Celtics and JN Phillips Auto Glass, the first company in the country to offer a 100% windshield recycling guarantee, partner with the Guilmette Elementary School in Lawrence, MA for educational program promoting environmental responsibility and resource conservation. The Boston Celtics hosted an assembly at the Guilmette Elementary School on October 1 that launched the recycling contest. Over the course of ten days students were encouraged to collect bottles/cans and bringing them to their classroom. The class with the most recycled items was rewarded with tickets to a Celtics game and a special appearance by Celtics forward Jeff Green who read “The Lorax” to the winning classroom.

“It was great seeing the big smiles on the kids faces that won the Celtics tickets”, Boston Celtics forward Jeff Green said. “The most important message that was taught to the children today was by taking care of their environment they will protect their future and many futures to come”.

“It is extremely important to raise awareness and educate the public about recycling and protecting the environment,” stated Bob Rosenfield, President of JN Phillips. “Before we pioneered windshield recycling, the only way to discard broken windshields was in landfills. Now all damaged windshields that JN Phillips replaces are turned into useful reusable products.”

Following the classroom reading, over 600 students were brought to the gym for an assembly. The importance of taking care of the environment was addressed as well as recognizing the winning class from the contest. Students were treated to a dunk show with Celtics mascot Lucky. This event is part of NBA Cares Week (Oct 22- 29).