
Mailbag: Crawford Answers Fan Questions

LOS ANGELES – Jamal Crawford’s only 15 points away from passing one of his former teammates, Grant Hill, for No. 88 on the NBA’s all-time scoring leaderboard.

As Crawford continues moving his way up the NBA’s all-time lists while embarking on his 17th NBA season and fifth straight with the Clippers, the reigning Sixth Man of the Year took time Wednesday to answer fan questions on this week’s mailbag, submitted on Facebook and Twitter using “#LACmailbag” after the question.

Here are Crawford’s answers.


Rob Town – Is the top of the key your favorite look? #LACmailbag

JC: “Yes. You can see everything, so you’re kind of, I don’t know if you want to use the term behind the defense, that’s kind of opposite but I can see everything. I see where help’s coming from, I see all the angles I have, so yeah, it’s definitely my favorite place.”

Bill Bos – Who’s on your personal Mt. Rushmore of basketball players? #LACmailbag

JC: “That’s tough. So, four? I know Michael (Jordan) and Magic (Johnson) are on there. So, Michael, Magic, Isiah (Thomas) and I’ll split the last one Kobe (Bryant) and (Allen) Iverson.”

Cody Doaner – What player did you look up to most before you were in the NBA? #LACmailbag

JC: “Michael Jordan. I took stuff from everyone’s game, but Michael Jordan, if I had to pick one person.”

Stephen Cisterna – How have the bench dynamics changed since Raymond Felton has joined in at point guard with Austin Rivers playing more small forward? #LACmailbag

JC: “Myself and Austin are more combo guards. I think Ray’s a pure point guard. Basically having the three guards with that experience and all being able to play multiple positions and kind of lead the charge I think is fun. It’s tougher for the opposition to, kind of, defend when you have three guards attacking.”


Jake Ashkinos (@jakeashkinos) – Who’s your favorite player to play against? #LACmailbag

Favorite player to play against? “Kobe (Bryant). He’s the best player I’ve ever matched up with.”

Luis Catacora (@luisc_11) – What would you consider your signature move on the court? #LACmailbag

JC: “Got to be the behind the back crossover”