
Mailbag 12/16: Jordan Answers Fan Questions

MIAMI – DeAndre Jordan continues to reel in honors after a summer that included First Team All-NBA and All-Defense nods and an Olympic gold medal.

Before taking off on the Clippers’ three-game road trip, Jordan was given his Olympic champion ring. Once the trip started, Jordan was given a game ball in Orlando for becoming the Clippers’ all-time blocks leader, with three against the Magic to go with 22 points and 12 rebounds.

Jordan took some time as the road trip shifts to Miami to dish out answers to fans’ questions, submitted to Clippers.com using “#LACmailbag” on Facebook and Twitter.


Klay Kellison – How did it feel to receive your Olympic championship ring? #LACmailbag

DJ: “That was amazing. I didn’t know they gave out championship rings, I thought we just got a gold medal. That was amazing, especially in front of the home crowd. That was really cool. They’ve supported me for a long, long time.”

Ryan Johnson – If you could face off 1-on-1 against any NBA center, past or present, who would it be? #LACmailbag

DJ: “Hakeem Olajuwon”

Erik Garcia – Who are your favorite music artists? #LACmailbag

DJ: “Oooo, that’s tough. I can’t give you just one. I’m listening to are Future and Kendrick. I like Ab-Soul’s new album.”


Royal Basketball (@RoyalBasketball) – Who was your favorite center growing up? #LACmailbag

DJ – “Shaq”

Spiro Schialdone (@Spiroschialdone) – What’s your greatest memory since entering the NBA? #LACmailbag

DJ – “Making the playoffs for the first time.”

Mary Saunders (@marysaund) – In-N-Out or Fatburger? #LACmailbag

DJ – “Ooo, In-N-Out. But I do like the egg at Fatburger... I am a burger guy, but actually I’m more of a Mexican food guy.”