
Mailbag 11/10: Speights Answers Fan Questions

Los Angeles – As the Clippers’ backups continue to pick up where the starters leave off defensively, Marreese Speights is also spacing the floor the way the Clippers had hoped when they signed him this offseason.

“Mo Buckets” is averaging 10.5 points in 15.7 minutes per game, and as he continues helping out the second unit, he also helped out Clippers.com this week by answering fan’s mailbag questions.

The questions were submitted on Facebook and Twitter using “#LACmailbag” after the question. Here are Speights’ answers.

Stevie Gonzales – You were such a great pickup for this Clippers team. How is team chemistry so far and where would you say your comfort level is with the team? #LACmailbag

MS: “Team chemistry is good. Still a process, still getting better. My comfort level is always good. It doesn’t matter if I’m on the bench, on the court, walking around, my comfort level is always good.”

Devon Maisonneuve – As a Clipper fan, I was so excited when they signed you. What factors led to you signing with the Clippers? #LACmailbag

MS: “Having a chance to play for a championship caliber team with a good coaching staff, and the opportunity to play consistently every night and have a bigger role here coming off the bench.”


Denis (@denisv_) – What has been the best moment of your career so far? #LACmailbag

MS: “Winning a championship.”

Bryan (@ClipperB23) – Pac or Biggie? Also, who was your favorite NBA player growing up? #LACmailbag

MS: “I’d say Pac. I listen to some Tupac. Then, I’d go Rasheed Wallace, Hakeem Olajuwon and a little Kevin Garnett.”

Kys (@SweaterGawwd) – What’s your favorite part about playing with the Clippers? #LACmailbag

MS: “just getting to know these players. Playing against them, you really don’t know them like that. But it’s fun playing for Doc (Rivers), and it’s fun being here.”