
Mailbag: Redick Answers Fan Questions

Rowan Kavner Digital Content Coordinator

LOS ANGELES- J.J. Redick remains the league’s leader from long distance, shooting 48 percent from 3-point range in a career year.

This week, Redick went off the court before playing the Warriors to answer fan questions on the Clippers mailbag, which were submitted on Facebook and Twitter using “#LACmailbag” after the question.

Some of the best questions this week came from Twitter, and here are Redick’s answers. (Note: Questions may be edited for grammar, brevity or clarity).


Brad Hill (@dbradfordhill): JJ, would you ever consider coaching basketball after your playing days are over? #LACmailbag

Redick:“I would never say never, but it’s not in my plans to be a coach… If I had time post-career to coach my sons playing or something like that. I think the only thing that would ever really interest me would be like 15 years from now if Duke said, ‘Hey, do you want to come coach?’ I think that would be the one thing that would pique my interest a little bit.”

Austin Dail (@Dail13A): Are you going to sleeve your other arm? #LACmailbag

Redick: “We’re debating. We already have what it would be, me and my artist. I know what I want, but my wife only wants me to have one sleeve. We’ll see. We’ll see who wins that.”

Katie (katieeebbbb):Do you miss playing with Blake? #LACmailbag

Redick: “I definitely miss playing with Blake. I feel like me and him had a really good connection and two-man game out on the court, as he does with Chris, too. He’s definitely missed by me.”


Paul Albitar What are some of the toughest matchups for you? #LACmailbag

Redick: “San Antonio stands out, just because they’re the No. 1 defense in the league and have two of the better perimeter defenders in Kawhi Leonard and Danny Green. They’re always tough.”