
Employee Spotlight | Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with Claire Restrepo

Continuing with our celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, next we are highlighting Claire Restrepo, our Coordinator, Membership Service! See what she shared about her culture, career path, and transitioning from our Inside Sales team to MVP Services.

What does being Hispanic mean to you?

To me, being Hispanic means being a part of a community. There are 20 countries in the world that have Spanish as their official language. While all of these countries have different cultures, you can find shared elements among them too.

Describe your Hispanic roots.

I am Colombian. My family is from Medellín.

Who are some Hispanic people that you look up to? Why do you look up to them?

My biggest role model is my grandfather, Enrique, but we call him Biggs. He immigrated to the United States and joined the US Military to earn citizenship for himself and my grandmother.

What is your favorite Hispanic dish?

My favorite dish is called Bandeja Paisa, because it has all of the best parts of Colombian food on one plate! It has rice, cazuela de frijoles, plátanos maduros, carne molida, chicharrón, a fried egg, avocado, and an arepa. Paired with a Colombiana, the namesake soda in Colombia, it is *chef’s kiss*.

Who is your favorite Hispanic athlete?

My favorite Hispanic athlete is El Pibe, Carlos Valderrama.

What are some of your favorite things about Hispanic culture?

My favorite thing about Hispanic culture is the community. You could be from Colombia, Mexico, or Nicaragua, and even though you have different cultures in your own countries, you’re still going to be able to connect with someone.

Did you always want to work in sports?

In college, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was fortunate to be one of twenty four members of the Student Worker Program at Loyola Marymount University, where I worked for the university to pay tuition. I worked many jobs during my four years including the Facilities Management Waste & Recycling Department and Student Financial Services, as well as various large-scale event set up. After working my way through college, I knew I wanted to do something big.

How did you break into the sports industry?

When I was looking for a job after I graduated college, I was focused on applying to positions that surrounded subjects that I was passionate about, but in which I could also grow. I have always been an NBA fan, so I turned to the Clippers. When I saw that applications were being accepted, I went over every detail on my resumé before submitting my application. I participated in two rounds of interviews and was offered a position as an Inside Sales Executive.

How was the transition from Inside Sales to MVP Services?

In Inside Sales, you make your calls and follow the sales process to generate revenue. You follow the sales process to see results. As a Coordinator for MVP Services, there is not necessarily a cut-and-dry process. There are tasks that have to be repeated, for example on game days, but a lot of the support that I provide is different from day to day. To plan the membership events, I have to search for the event space and vendors, coordinate with other departments, map out the general run of show, etc.

What does a remote workday look like for you?

Every day is different, but a typical remote workday starts with checking my email to make sure I’m up to date on all of the tasks I have to complete. First, I’ll take care of any assignments to support the Sales and Service representatives, including ordering gifts for members, assisting with sales contests, adding outbound email communication requests, etc. Then I will work on planning membership events for next season. Throughout the day I will monitor the general fan inboxes to respond to any questions. This all happens in between plenty of Zoom meetings!