
Gimme a "T", Gimme a "H"

Giaan Langford is not a cheerleader, but the muse of the Oklahoma City Thunder moves in mysterious ways. She and her family are big Thunder fans, and the excitement of the 2009-10 season prompted the 8-year-old girl to write and perform her own Thunder cheer.

“Giaan is an around-the-clock, full-on active kid,” said her mother, Vicki.

“She swims and plays soccer, rides bikes, jump-ropes -- play, play, play. She has never done a cheer before, but she likes to write songs; this cheer evolved from a song she wrote about Oklahoma. She performs it for everyone she meets.”

Her family has immortalized Giaan’s cheer on YouTube. Check it out HERE.

Something else worth cheering about (nice transition, huh?) is THUNDERALLY, an online, interactive community for the Thunder faithful.Phil Bacharach is the Director of Corporate Communications for the Thunder. He is looking for die-hard Thunder fans throughout the world. If you or somebody you know bleeds Thunder blue, contact Phil by clicking here